Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada,

  Steven Beal


Who do we help

we help business owners and those who want to become business owners either by starting or buying a business.

How do we help

we provide strategic plans, business valuations, business brokerage services, as well as financial restructuring advice to small and mid-size businesses

Our credentials

The principal has over 25 years business experience, as well as an MBA, CGA, CFA, CBV, CBI.

More about us

Focused Busi­ness Advisors Beal Con­sul­tants helps peo­ple buy, sell, value, improve, and start busi­nesses. We deliver value-added ser­vices in the fol­low­ing areas: •Suc­ces­sion Planning/Exit Strate­gies Look­ing to retire? Great! Is your busi­ness ready for you to retire? Can you afford to retire? Do you know how to min­i­mize your tax bur­den when you are look­ing to sell or pass your busi­ness on to your chil­dren? We can help you under­stand the options that are avail­able to you. Think it’s too early? The ear­lier you start, the more your busi­ness can be worth, and the more options you have to min­i­mize taxes. If you’re think­ing of get­ting out within five or less years, start today! •Busi­ness Bro­ker­age Buy­ing and sell­ing a busi­ness is unlike any other trans­ac­tion you will do. Each busi­ness is unique, each buyer is unique, and each seller is unique. Beal Con­sul­tants can help you buy a busi­ness and sell your busi­ness with dis­cre­tion and confidence. •Busi­ness Val­u­a­tion Need to know what your busi­ness is worth? We help you deter­mine the value of it and under­stand the key dri­vers of that value, so you can know how to improve it. •Grow Your Busi­ness We can help make your busi­ness grow prof­itably using proven suc­cess strate­gies, step-by-step guide­lines and an abun­dance of insight from our expe­ri­ence in work­ing across a wide vari­ety of industries. •Busi­ness Start Up New busi­ness ven­tures need busi­ness plans to set direc­tion and strat­egy. Our busi­ness plans have been instru­men­tal for our clients in set­ting the stage for sus­tain­able busi­ness growth as well as in secur­ing financ­ing. We work with new busi­ness own­ers to exam­ine all areas of their busi­ness to ensure max­i­mum success. •Buy­ing a Fran­chise We work with you to make cer­tain you get an unbi­ased point of view when decid­ing whether or not to pur­chase a fran­chise. This has resulted in our clients mak­ing bet­ter decisions. About Steven Beal Prin­ci­pal, Beal Busi­ness Growth Con­sul­tants, Inc. Steven Beal, MBA, CGA, CFA, CBV is a strate­gic exec­u­tive with over 25 years of expe­ri­ence in cor­po­rate man­age­ment. He excels at prob­lem solv­ing, strate­gic plan­ning and detailed finan­cial analysis. Photo of Steven BealHis pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence included senior finan­cial posi­tions in invest­ment bank­ing, cor­po­rate bank­ing, and head office of a large Cana­dian bank. After spend­ing years per­form­ing finan­cial and strate­gic plan­ning and merg­ers & acqui­si­tion within a bank, Steve iden­ti­fied the need for small and medium busi­ness to have access to the same level of exper­tise, caus­ing him to leave his posi­tion to estab­lish Beal Busi­ness Growth Con­sul­tants, Inc. He enjoys travel, hav­ing spent part of his career in Africa, and most of his vaca­tions over­seas. He lives in Win­nipeg with his wife, Lissa. Mem­ber­ships

Beal Consultants

Winnipeg Manitoba

Steven Beal
T 204-478-7266