Who do we help

Small Business is our passion. We thrive on the energy, ingenuity and drive of entrepreneurs because we have been there, we have lived your struggles,

How do we help

Systems Development & Operational Improvement; Business Planning & Strategy; Business Coaching & Contract Employees

Our credentials

B.Comm with a Double Major in Finance & Economics; CMA Accounting Designation; Black Belt in L6S

More about us

Picture the local small business. They are created and run by experts; bakers, accountants, dentists, architects, by people maybe like you. Those small businesses thrive when they get to do what they are best at; when their expert artistry or skill meets a customer or market need. But those experts are often not business experts, they might struggle running a company because of its unique challenges and requirements. With most small businesses today strapped for time, resources and budget there is often no cost-effective way to get advice from a trusted professional, work on a special project or make an important strategic change. For medium-sized businesses, the issue may not be resources or capacity like small businesses, but rather efficiency, productivity or organizational growth challenges. Sometimes money is being spent or even wasted but they don’t know where, why or how to resolve it. Large companies have the luxury of hiring skilled consultants to dig deep, give advice and guidance, helping organizations improve their performance. However these services are often unattainable and unaffordable for smaller businesses. Let’s face it, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often spend the majority of their time keeping the lights on, leaving little time for innovating and the “bigger picture”. Until now.

L6S Business Consulting Inc

Sherwood Park Alberta

Kevin MacDonald