Who do we help

We work with businesses from startup to corporations. Our speciality is adjusting to meet the needs of the organization we are working with.

How do we help

We provide Bookkeeping, Human Resource services, Employee Engagement Programs as well as Business & Executive Coaching and Mentoring.

Our credentials


More about us

At Business Innovation Group, we understand. And, we can help!

You have personal and professional goals. Grow your staff, increase your revenue, spend less time at the office and more time with family – no matter what your milestones may be, all of them are important.

Our company specializes in assisting small and mid-size business with planning, execution, bookkeeping, marketing, HR management, and so much more. We strive to guide and motivate you through every pitfall and roadblock, and give you universal clarity you need to achieve your objectives.

Working with Business Innovation Group, you have access to a collective education that has been shaped and forged by decades of successful, real-world experience. Since our inception in 2009, we have worked hard to build a judgement-free zone where business owners – like you – can openly discuss their issues and challenges and get beneficial, expert solutions from our business coaching professionals.

Developing meaningful relationships is paramount to us.

We want to earn your trust and the right to be part of your team! Make us be your trusted friends. Let us show you that every visit to our office is worth it, and allow us to show you how exciting it can be to achieve your goals the right way!

Business Innovation Group Inc.

Grande Prairie Alberta

Peter Lepinski
T 780-538-4699
F 780-538-4799